Sunday, June 29, 2008

Welcome Baby Ian

Congratulations to my uncle Ben, his wife Ann and their son Jimmy. They welcomed the arrival of
Ian Manual Kershman
at 10pm on June 9Th. He weighed 7lb 3oz and measured 20 inches. He is an adorable addition to the family. Here are a few photos of him on his first full day in our world. He was surprisingly alert for about 10 minutes. Follow the link to view more photos of baby Ian.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Buddy Walk 2008

My husband and I had a full and exciting day at Forest Park for the 2008 DSAGSL Buddy Walk. This is their biggest fund raiser of the year. We met dozens of wonderful families. It was especially fun to see how all the teams were unified by the creative shirts and banners. Everyone had a different slogan. A few of my favorites were "real friends don't count chromosomes" and "many more ups then downs"! Even though it was HOT all the kids had a great time dancing and playing. Here are a few photos from the day. To find out more info on all the great work that the DSAGSL does for Children and families with Downs Syndrome go to

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Final Tribute

Today we attended the Flag Retirement Ceremony for the Boy scouts at Frontier Park. Our son, Cameron, helped retire the first flag. The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. It was an amazing. The ceremonial burning of the flag is a final tribute. The burning of a Flag should take place at a campfire in a ceremony separate from the Ceremony of Final Tribute. The fire must be sizable (preferably having burnt down to a bed of red hot coals to avoid having bits of the Flag being carried off by a roaring fire), yet be of sufficient intensity to ensure complete burning. I hope you enjoy these photos of such a meaningful tribute to our flag.